Tuesday, October 2, 2012

There she blows!

There she blows!

Friends, yes I said friends, most of you, my readers, are friends, and those that aren't, are friends now, because you all see so much of me through this medium. Today, I come to you, quite honestly just having to vent! 

It's been a number of days since I've been with you. Mostly, because I have been busy being "everything" again. It's so like me, to take on so much! Even after trying to find a way to reduce the amount of things I'm involved in, here I am, not having enough time in the day to do, and be, everything. Ughhhh

I've set priorities and #1 on my list, as always, is munchkin. This year she has started second grade and her teacher is not only incredible and awesome, she is also strict, and disciplined. She requires tons of homework from the children, all constructive, educational, and remarkably necessary when it comes to testing. My daughter will be facing 6 standardized tests this year. With a child who faces delays in terms of her speech and language, you can understand how a parent like me, would find this incredibly troubling. 

Recently, at my daughter's "Back To School Night", we covered the topics and tests which she would be facing. Among them, were things I don't remember covering until I was in fourth grade! (insert expletives!!!) 

I worry, as a parent and mother, about how this will affect my daughter when it comes to grade advancement and educational goals. The class objectives and topics all so far fetched and unrealistic for my daughter, that I wonder how as a full time working single mother with only half time custody during the week, I will ever manage to get my daughter there and on target. The summit is daunting, and quite honestly, disheartening. 

Added to that, is the new transition to a before an after school program for parents like me! Parents who work full time and are unable to drop off/pick up their children from school. Up until this year, my munchkin has always been cared for by my mother. Now that she isn't, my daughter is at school 10 hours a day. No joke. This saddens me. It is not what I planned, not what I would prefer, not how I saw my daughter being raised. When I pick her up, it's nearly 6pm.  We have three short hours together in which time we have to do homework, eat dinner and take showers. 

At times, I'm so glad I only have one child. 

This transition though, is hardly existent. Munchkin isn't doing well with waking up early. She isn't doing well in focusing on Homework, and she is refusing to go directly to the after school program by confusing office staff (she tells them I am picking her up).

She wants to be back at my moms house. I get it. However, being at the after school program also has its benefits! Among them, the opportunity for socio-development through her play with other children and homework help!
Yes! They help her with some homework! Which frees up some time for us at home! 

All in all, the morning program is what worries me. She isn't sleeping long enough, isn't waking up my happy munchkin anymore, and I'm the horrible mom that makes us do things we don't want to! 

So sue me! I want my three full hours with her to be MY time! Time I can just cuddle, play games, go to the park, enjoy! :-( 

When did our society become this evil monster against effective childhood bonding? Moreover, why is it so focused on getting our kids toward unattainable standards no matter what their limitations? 

I'm not expecting a pity party, or a wish for better times. This is life, for many people out there. The simple life of many years ago, times before TV's and  Computers,  Overtime and Overworked parents, seems so much more appealing as I age. 

Simple though, doesn't exist. Well at least not in the big crazy world that is Single Latina Mamahood.

-Cheers! ~SLM


  1. "When did our society become this evil monster against effective childhood bonding?"
    Seriously! It's a sad state of affairs! But you seem to be doing an excellent job!

  2. I hear you mama! I am in your same boat and seriously have little to no time with my lil man at night. Though I enjoy working I wish I had the opportunity to stay at home with my lil guy. He is growing so fast I forget that he is only 4 and these homework assignments are at times tough for him. We have but just 2 hours at night before we get bedtime routine in full force and I run into your same obstacles. I have to battle with my time with him my parents wanting their time with him and at the end of the day the lil guy is all that matters and if he's not getting the full blown attention and care he needs what is my real purpose for working. Do I consume myself with numerous jobs to make ends meet? Then I have but a few days on the weekends (everyother) to make it enjoyable. Not only is there homework on the weekdays but on the weekends when they should be out doors playing and breaking a neighbors window he's stuck doing homework at home.I put notes on his kindergarten packet of homework that says I am sorry I know you are over populated in class with students but we need more assistance in the class rooms by paid teachers and aids so the kids have enough time in class and get the attention they need. I am being sent home with stuff that should be covered in class. The weekends are our time and not something I should have to involve school work 7 days a week. Vent session over thank you!
