Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I chose the Road walked both ways…

When don’t I keep it real? Are you ready? No, really?...
It is growing to be quite an annoying conversation truly… the one where friends, family, and acquaintances feel the incessant need to “call me out” on me being MIA (missing in action).
I warned everyone, I did.
Life, has been crazy. It is.
More importantly, I have finally been doing what you all, always do. Live life.
It struck me only recently, that the same people who get upset that I am no longer reaching out to, are the same people who usually were too busy to hang out, call me, or schedule anything outside of the ideas I threw out.
The difference here though is, I am not resentful. I understand that life is life. I understand that you have children, a job, a relationship, and GASP… Other friends. Haha sorry… I had to…
I would think, that knowing me, you all would know that I believe that everyone should be a friend. We all don’t know who needs us, could need us, or may need us at one point.
The truth is, I actually believe in community.
So while some people, lavish in their exclusive friendships, and the secrecy and anonymity of their lives.
I thrive on meeting new people, with new perspectives, and creative ideas. I thrive on exposing myself to other viewpoints that allow me to grow as a human being. I choose to blow my mind way open beyond the confines of what society dictates my life should be.
Woah… stuff just got deep.
I mean truly people. You are ALL special to me. There is absolutely no one else like YOU! Really!  
I have a friend in Temecula, whom I share only mommy texts with, another friend with my exact same birthday that understands my every weakness and dating war stories, another who only recently became my friend and in one month is like my sister, well more like beester! HAHA! (Sorry inside joke).   
You see, my point is, I need not define every friendship. These girls all know I am busy and love them very much. They all know that even if I don’t call, it doesn’t mean I don’t love them, it just means I am busy.
They all are special to me, they all have a perspective I can’t live without, and I am sure, that the same stands for you, yes YOU, the person reading this blog. Those perspectives are crucial to my existence in growth, which in turn makes you, yes you, crucial to my existence. Have I made myself clear?
In my eyes, a true friend doesn’t keep count of how many times we call, how many times I do things for them or they do for me, we are just friends, and that is that.
My true friends,  know my social butterfly self. They will understand that it’s the very reason I met them, because all of my friends have likely worked with me, been a partner in an event with me, or simply met me along the way of this beautiful life we live.
I sure hope we could all just share it without a dreaded count of how many times one of us walked the road this way, or that. Because after all, it does go both ways. Truth.
-Cheers ~SLM

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