Monday, April 14, 2014

Passion, the lost concept.

Today, I want you to stop think about something with me.

I mean... REALLY stop to think about this with nothing but honesty in your heart....

What are you passionate about?

You don't have to share your answer. We aren't on trial. No one will judge you for your passion, regardless of how selfish or selfless it is.

In seeking my truth lately, I have focused on finding what I am truly passionate about.

I have come to the conclusion that I am more passionate than I originally estimated. You see, while I seek to ensure my thoughts are where they should be, and that my life is purposeful and heading in the right direction, I find it imperative to disassociate myself with thoughts that could stray me from my goals. Thus, I focus. I remain steadfast on my endeavor to identify my truths which among these are my passions.

So have you thought of it? Take a moment now... I am not going anywhere, and neither is this blog. Truly stop to think what are the things in life you are most passionate about?

Are you passionate about your work? Your family? Your love life?

Are you passionate about yourself? The way you look? The way you dress?

What are you passionate about?

On one hand, I think it would be almost cliche to tell you that I am passionate about life. But I truly am. I am passionate about making a good life and living it.

I am passionate more though, to ensure that I provide my daughter with a good upbringing and keep us moving onward and upward.

I am passionate about school and learning. It truly exhilarates me and inspires me.

I am passionate about giving. I am passionate about caring about people. I am passionate about sharing those beliefs with others and teaching them to love openly and unconditionally.

I am passionate about being honest. Perhaps its because at some points in my life I rarely was.

Lastly, I am passionate about finding someone who is a excited about life as I am. I am passionate about upholding this belief without pretext or negotiation. A passionate person can only be passionate with another equally passionate soul.

Most of my passions now, come from experience. I presume the same holds true for you? Do you agree?

Care to share some of your passions? So tell me.. what are you passionate about?

-Cheers~ SLM


  1. A touching thoughtful post. I'm passionate about everyday and what I do with it. I think it's so important that people take the time out of think through and really get to know themselves and what makes them tick. As for being with a passionate person - definitely! I feel that way about Patrick. It was a real meeting of the minds and passions and everything just went up a whole other level :)

    1. 100% agree and can see that! You two compliment each other so well. THank you for your comment Vanisha! Hope all is well! Hugs! -C
