Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Take Two! ACTION!

The once not so pessimistic of the bunch has now joined the group.

After a duo of failed relationships, countless pointless dates, and attracting far too many married men. I have decided enough is enough.

So I have decided to do a "Take Two" of my dating detox! No more dating for 3 months, at which time i will re-evaluate whether dating is just in the books for me or not.

By the way, random rant for this post...What the the hell is up with the married men that are having to find relationships outside of their own to make themselves happy?

Today I got an e-mail from a friend, that I found out was married later in our friendship. I had to completely cut ties. I thought to myself, and here you are, being persistent again, and pressuring me to see you. I don't want to see you. I wonder what his wife would think if she knew what he was up to?

Then it dawned on me. Why am i looking for marriage, when so many men are clearly straying? I have friends that tell me about their adventures and i wonder, how they got to this place. If you aren't happy... why would you stay?

I've heard all of the excuses, my finances, my livelihood, and the kicker, the kids.

Really ladies and gents, if you aren't happy, neither will your kids. You are setting a bad example of what's OK to happen in marriage, aloofness, lack of love, and lack of happiness.

Don't we want our kids to live happy lives?

I don't want my daughter "staying in it for the kids" i want her to find happiness. Kids move on. Kids make their own lives. And then what? She would be alone as her husband is off with his mistress?

I think not.

When did this become the norm? Is our societal expectations of what's ok based on the newest scene out of the 72 day Kim Kardashian marriage? For the record, I am not judging, I am simply asking questions.

I am in no way endorsing divorce, because i think that you should WORK on your marriage unless you are in an abusive relationship, whether that be verbal, physical, or emotional. But if not, work it out. Don't go creating more drama by straying! Both men and women alike!

What happened to the sanctity of marriage and that ideal of "for life". What happened to those vows? 

I don't want a set of vows that will be looked past when the right girl turns her heels at my husband! Would you want your significant other straying at the first person that propositioned perhaps a better sex life, a better body than yours, or perhaps a better checkbook than yours? 

Alright enough of that. Enough is enough and here goes nothing. Take Two of 90 days of No Men for SLM begins NOW! Focusing on me! -Cheers~ SLM!